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An Overview

North Korea's Population: Insights from the Data

An Overview

As of June 17, 2024, North Korea's population stands at 26,241,470, according to Worldometer's analysis of United Nations data. With a population density of 199.54 inhabitants per square kilometer, the country's estimated life expectancy is 69.81 years as of 2014.

Population Growth and Projections

In 1980, North Korea's population experienced a significant rise in growth rate. Projections indicate that the population will peak in 2037 at an estimated 26.87 million people.

Urbanization and Population Distribution

As of 2023, 63.2% of North Korea's population resides in urban areas, with a total of 16,533,344 urban dwellers.

Development of Life Expectancy

North Korea's life expectancy has shown a stark contrast to that of its neighboring country, South Korea. In 1961, North Korea's population was estimated at 10.9 million, while South Korea's population was significantly higher.
